Custom taxonomy 不显示在 “外观”-> “菜单”里

I have a custom taxonomy registered for custom post type. It has ‘public’, and ‘show_in_nav_menus’ arguments set to true, but it still doesn’t appear in nav-menus.php. If I set those arguments to custom post type, it works all right… what could be the problem?

我为新文章类型(custom post type)注册了一个新的分类(register_taxonomy),’show_in_nav_menus’ 都设置为 ‘true’,但是在 “外观”-> “菜单” (nav-menus.php)里没有显示出来。可是新文章类型(custom post type)显示了,这是为什么?

But don’t forget checked it in Screen options:

Custom taxonomy is not showing in nav menu