PHPlist Error:Database error 1146 Table ‘DBname.user_group’ doesn’t exist

The “Database error 1146 while doing query Table ‘DBname.user_group’ doesn’t exist’ has been reported by several users after installing release 2.10.7

I’m not sure, but since I can’t find any user_group table in the previous version (2.10.5) either, I guess that this table isn’t part of the phplist database itself, but possibly of the Webbler CMS database, which is another Tincan application. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tincan placed some code in the phplist codebase that interacts with their webbler CMS, which might explain why you’ll find some queries referring to the user_group table in the phplist code, e.g. in lists/admin/commonlib/lib/userlib.php, and possibly in other files too.

OK,so I found user_groups in many many places.

The one that fixed my import issue was


Line 683 and a few lines below it.
I commented them out as below. Works fine now.

# $query = “replace INTO user_group (userid,groupid) values($userid,$groupid)”;
# $result = Sql_query($query);
# if the affected rows is 2, the user was already subscribed

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