In table $prefix_PopularityPostsWidget
The view record store here like this:
There is WPML function wpml_get_language_information can get the post language information by post id,
like this wpml_get_language_information($post->ID)
Array ( [locale] => fr_FR [text_direction] => [display_name] => Français [native_name] => Français [different_language] => ) Array ( [locale] => en_US [text_direction] => [display_name] => Anglais [native_name] => English [different_language] => 1 )
If it’s different language, the value will be true (1)
Depand on this, now we can modify public function widget in class_popularity-posts-widget.php
Inside function widget, find loop foreach ($rows as $row)
Replace by the code between:
////////////// Loop /////////////////// foreach ($rows as $row) { } ////////////// End of loop //////////////
////////////// Loop /////////////////// if(count($rows) > 0){ //防止$rows 是空的时候报错 foreach ($rows as $row) { if (function_exists('wpml_get_language_information')) { $language_information = wpml_get_language_information($row['id']); if($language_information[different_language] == ""){ $title_posts=get_the_title($row['id']); $permalink=get_permalink($row['id']); if ($instance['range'] === "range_alltime" || $instance['range'] === "range_today" ) { $hits=$row['hits']; } else { $hits=$row['SUM(hits)']; } $hits_to_show = $instance['views_checkbox'] ? 'Views ('.$hits.') ' : ""; $comments_to_show = $instance['comment_checkbox'] ? 'Comments ('.ppw_get_ComCount($row['id']).')': ""; //Style file require ('style/style-one.php'); } } else { $title_posts=get_the_title($row['id']); $permalink=get_permalink($row['id']); if ($instance['range'] === "range_alltime" || $instance['range'] === "range_today" ) { $hits=$row['hits']; } else { $hits=$row['SUM(hits)']; } $hits_to_show = $instance['views_checkbox'] ? 'Views ('.$hits.') ' : ""; $comments_to_show = $instance['comment_checkbox'] ? 'Comments ('.ppw_get_ComCount($row['id']).')': ""; //Style file require ('style/style-one.php'); } } } ////////////// End of loop //////////////
OK now! you can drug the widget it you sidebar.
在新建widget 的时候,会要求填写显示文章的数量,
只是在 loop 之前的 get_results 上做改变一下 limit 的数量。
if (function_exists('icl_get_languages')) { $languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=0'); $times = count($languages); }else{ $times = 1; }
然后用 $instance[‘number’]*$times,获取语言数量倍数的结果,这只是个妥协的方法,可以将就着先用着~ 哈哈
if ($instance['range'] === "all" ) { $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . " ".$cat_res." ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . $instance['number']*$times, ARRAY_A); } elseif ($instance['range'] === "today") { $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name_cache . " WHERE date=CURDATE() ".$cat_res." ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT " . $instance['number']*$times, ARRAY_A); } elseif ($instance['range'] === "weekly" || $instance['range'] === "monthly") { if ($instance['range'] === "weekly") $num_days = 7; if ($instance['range'] === "monthly") $num_days = 30; $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, SUM(hits) FROM " . $table_name_cache . " WHERE date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL ".$num_days." DAY) ".$cat_res." GROUP BY id ORDER BY SUM(hits) DESC LIMIT " . $instance['number']*$times, ARRAY_A); }
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