修复 next_posts_link & previous_posts_link 与 qTranslate 的兼容问题

If your having problems with qTranslate and the next_posts_link / previous_posts_link & next_post_link / previous_post_link template tags then I recommend dropping the following two functions into your theme’s functions.php file.

* Function qtranslate_next_previous_fix
* Ensure that the URL for next_posts_link & previous_posts_link work with qTranslate

add_filter('get_pagenum_link', 'qtranslate_next_previous_fix');

function qtranslate_next_previous_fix($url) {
   return qtrans_convertURL($url);

* Function qtranslate_single_next_previous_fix
* Ensure that the URL for next_post_link & previous_post_link work with qTranslate

add_filter('next_post_link', 'qtranslate_single_next_previous_fix');
add_filter('previous_post_link', 'qtranslate_single_next_previous_fix');

function qtranslate_single_next_previous_fix($url) {
   $just_url = preg_match("/href=\"([^\"]*)\"/", $url, $matches);
   return str_replace($matches[1], qtrans_convertURL($matches[1]), $url);



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